Študenti UM sodelujejo v mreži @DEMOLA Global (finska mreža za tehnološko predvidevanje, t. i. »foresight«) že od leta 2013.
Vabimo vas, da v okviru DEMOLE so-ustvarite lastne različice vizij rešitev za prihodnje globalne izzive. Zdaj imate priložnost, da sodelujete v globalnih multidisciplinarnih projektnih skupinah, kjer se boste poglobili v globalne izzive s pomočjo najnovejših metod in profesionalnega ter usmerjenega vodenja. Oglejte si opise projektov »Grids Under Pressure«, »Fully Connected Society«, »We Need Water«, »eSports For All!«, »AI for Beginners«, »Ownership, SO Last Season« in mnoge druge in se prijavite na povezavi https://www.demola.net/apply/ProjectsJune.
Če želite sodelovati v tem krogu, se prijavite do 30. maja 2021. Projekti bodo potekali med 11. junijem in 6. avgustom 2021. Rok za naslednji krog prijav je 11. julij 2021, projekti pa bodo potekali med 22. julijem in 16. septembrom 2021.
DEMOLA – Info dan (predavatelj: Jere Wessman, kreativni direktor Demola Global) bo
20. 5. 2021 ob 13.00 na
povezavi MS Teams: https://www.demola.net/meetings/sVQRSk5bte.
/// ENG ///
Join Demola’s Creative Foresight Projects (up to 8 official ECTS credits through the Finnish Higher Education System)
We are happy to make co-operation with Finland-based foresight platform @DemolaGlobal. Demola invites you to come and create the visions you think the World needs. They have now launched new project topics with meaningful contents. Now is your chance to take part in global multidisciplinary co-creation projects that will tackle into global challenges. Check out the project descriptions of ‘Grids Under Pressure’, ‘Fully Connected Society’, ‘We Need Water’, ‘eSports For All!’, ‘AI for Beginners’, ‘Ownership, SO Last Season’ and many more, and leave your application at https://www.demola.net/apply/ProjectsJune
If you want to take part in the next round of the projects, apply by May 30. The projects will start June 11 and last until August 6, 2021. Next round of the projects applications due date is July 11, projects will last between July 22 and September 16 2021.
DEMOLA info session for students of University of Maribor will be held on
Thursday, 20th of May at 1 pm on Microsoft Teams.
Come and hear about the projects! Link for the Teams event: https://www.demola.net/meetings/sVQRSk5bte.