
[Eurostars]: A UK startup is commercialising a novel photon splitting film that promises to make PV modules 20% more efficient. They are seeking module makers or component suppliers to assist with making and testing prototype modules. The project will be submitted to the Eurostars programme by the 3 September cut-off date.

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EUREKA/EUROSTARS: Seeking partner with tunnel glass/bottle cleaning technology to complete a consortium developing an innovative circular economy vending machine for drinkable water and beverages.

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Za vzpostavitev sodelovanja nam pišite na

Horizon 2020 SU-BES02 Border & External Security: Seeking blockchain and mobile app developers to join bid for Horizon 2020 SU-BES02 Border & External Security for ‘walk through’ airport process.

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H2020-LC-SC3-2018-2019-2020: Spanish-Canadian consortium is looking for a Southern Europe partner related to the energy sector to carry out dissemination and communication activities on advanced biofuels and bioenergy project.

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