Horizon 2020 SU-BES02 Border & External Security: Seeking blockchain and mobile app developers to join bid for Horizon 2020 SU-BES02 Border & External Security for ‘walk through’ airport process.

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H2020 ICT: Industrial partner, mobile network operator or 5G Radio Access Network equipment vendor is sought to help build and experimental test-bed for next generation applications

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H2020-JTI-FCH-2020-1: A UK company is seeking partners to join their consortium to apply for the H2020 call “Hydrogen tanks for EV (electric vehicle) architecture” to develop battery and hydrogen drive systems that can share the same vehicle architecture.

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[EUREKA] Intelligent Enterprise Manager software: Looking for project partner to develop financial software

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EUROSTARS: A French SME is seeking industrial and research partners to set-up a novel system for recycling destructured data

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[Eurostars-Eureka]: Designer of ultra-thin tiles veneer looks for ultra-thin stone manufacturer

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