Brezplačni spletni dogodek: Kick-off Event to a Joint Training Series with the EPO: From Lab to Market – Successful Technology Transfer Journeys, 19. maj 2022, ob 10:30
Brezplačna spletna delavnica: “IP Management in ICT Projects”, 25. maj 2022 ob 10:30.
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Brezplačni spletni seminar: Antibody Patents: Maximising Value in Europe and Beyond
IPR Helpdesk – IP in the Videogames Industry
Ogled predavanj je možen tukaj.
WIPO Technology Trends – Artificial Intelligence
Ogled predavanj je možen tukaj.
Spletni seminar: Blockchain: Using technology to protect copyright in a new age
Spletni seminar: CAR-T and other immunotherapies
Spletni seminar: “Effective IP & Outreach Strategies Help Increase the Impact of Research and Innovation”
Spletni seminar: “How to protect your blockchain idea”
Spletni seminar: “Impact, and Innovation in H2020”
Spletni seminar: “Maximize impact of your Horizon 2020 project results”
Spletni seminar: “Importance of IP for SMEs”