BRHU20200205001: Madžarski proizvajalec tekstila išče podizvajalce za proizvodnjo tekstilnih izdelkov.
BRDE20200220001: A German distributor with more than 20 years market experience is looking for additional products to add to its portfolio under distribution services agreements. The distributor’s current focus is on electronics manufacturing industry, other industries are also possible.
BRRU20200214002: A Russian company produces welding aluminum wires enriched in scandium for automatic welding modes. The company is looking for foreign suppliers of aluminum, scandium and copper alloys to conclude a supply agreement.
BRUA20191218001: Ukrajinsko podjetje, ki se ukvarja z distribucijo vseh vrst medicinske opreme, išče evropske proizvajalce medicinske opreme za razširitev svojega poslovanja. Podjetje je zelo prilagodljivo in ima izkušnje na tem področju dejavnosti. Ukrajinsko podjetje bi na podlagi sporazuma o distribucijskih storitvah nastopalo kot distributer v Ukrajini.
BRCN20200310001: A Chinese company specialized in providing industrial robot system protection solutions is looking for meltblown fabric supplier in Europe
BRQA20200318001: This Qatari pharmaceutical manufacturer of antiseptic, syrups, creams and ointments is looking for a supplier of Ethyl Alcohol (Ethanol) 99.9% .
BRUK20200312001: A Scottish (UK) based SME operating in the field of global trade and customs compliance, is seeking cooperation with advisers to provide easy, local trade and compliance support to clients. The cooperation will be based on a services agreement.
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