Novo Eureka: The consortium of a Turkish company and a German institute that offers 3D-printed patient specific implant production is looking for a German SME partner regarding biocompatibility and in-vivo animal testing in Eurostars project. Preberi več . Za vzpostavitev sodelovanja nam pišite na . Novo GRO/SME/20/B/06 COS-LINKPP-2020-2-05: Innovation management expertise sought for designing […]
NAPOVEDUJEMO Novo Brezplačni spletni seminar: “Consortium Agreements”, 8. februar 2021 ob 10:30. Preberi več . Novo Brezplačni spletni seminar: “Technology Transfer”, 10. februar 2021 ob 10:30. Preberi več . Novo Brezplačni spletni seminar: “4iP Council Webinar: 3D Printing and IP – Issues and Solutions”, 11. februar 2021 ob 16:00. Preberi več . Novo Brezplačni spletni […]