Otvoritev razstave FUTURE CIRCLES s prenosom okrogle mize Okrogla miza bo potekala v živo iz studia GZS v torek, 16. 6. 2020, ob 10. uri. Sledila bo otvoritev tokrat premierne, virtualne razstave FUTURE CIRCLES in njen ogled. Razstava bo prikazala dosežke slovenske industrije in institucij znanja na področju krožnega gospodarstva. Preberi več . Iskratel !Nternational […]
BORZA POSLOVNIH PRILOŽNOSTI BRAM20200602001: Armenian multi-branding clothes shop, which is specialized in selling clothes, accessories, underwear for women, men, children and youth, is looking for a commercial agency agreement. Preberi več . BRPL20200522001: A Polish SME specializing in the cosmetics based on natural ingredients wants to broaden its range of products. Therefore the company is […]